About us

Miguel started organizing “la caña la fiesta española en viena” in 2006 at All-in bar in Alser Straße.. It all started as a monthly gathering with friends from Spain to listen to some Spanish music in a city where the only Latino music was “la macarena”.

This friends’ gathering became popular. As it was just a friend’s get-together, Miguel started as the DJ of the party. His repertory was of around 8 albums and 80 songs in total, mostly Rock and Pop in Spanish and Flamenco.

From that time and inspired by his times as an Erasmus student in Vienna, Miguel decided to use the party to offer those Spanish-speaking students the chance to feel at home and party how one normally does in Spain (or Latin America).

Even though now the Bull from the logo is headed down, it was never planned to be this way. This was a mistake when the flyers were printed. Instead of finding this as a problem, Miguel thought of it as a nice way to present the party and decided to use it as the official and final logo of la caña.
